Health & Fitness

Which Foods Improve Your Vaginal Health?

4. Garlic

Garlic has terrific antimicrobial properties. It is the compound allicin which is present in freshly crushed garlic that is primarily responsible for the antimicrobial properties (1). If you are suffering from repeated vaginal infections, you can insert raw or cooked garlic into the vagina in the night to get rid of the infection. When used as a suppository, garlic’s antibacterial and antimycotic properties act locally and eradicate the infection giving you quick relief. Also, garlic’s ability to increase blood circulation can significantly improve your sexual health.

5. Papaya

 Menstrual cramps are one of the major issues we women deal with on a monthly basis. One of the best foods to relieve you of this discomfort and pain is papaya. This fruit is rich in Vitamin A and C both of which help in strengthening the wall of the uterus. Iron and Calcium are also present in this fruit in considerably high doses which aid in maintaining vaginal wellbeing. Additionally, the contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterine wall that cause menstrual cramps are also reduced. Keep in mind that unripe papaya is most useful when it comes to easing menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.

Which Foods Deteriorate Vaginal Health?

 While that was the list of foods that help you manage your vagina, there’s something you can avoid to put yourself at the risk of vaginal infections. Stay away from foods that are high in glycemic index. Foods with high GI tend to increase your vulnerability to infections. Also, refrain from consuming too much sugar, for, a sugary medium is perfect for microbes like yeast to thrive. Substances called cytokines are released when there’s inflammation in the body. These cytokines are responsible for you to feel the pain. It is the same mechanism even during menstrual pain. However, one of the ways in which you can reduce this inflammation is by strictly cutting down on sugary foods and foods whose GI is high.

Include all these superfoods in your daily diet and do not forget to drink loads of water to keep your body hydrated. There isn’t much you need to do to keep your vagina healthy, at least, not as much as it needs to do for your body. Do you agree with me? Comment below and let me know.

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