
Wash Your Face with Coconut Oil and Baking Soda 3 Times a Week and This Will Happen in a Month! – She Made by Grace


  • Coconut oil – ½ cup
  • Baking Soda – ½ cup


  • Melt coconut oil if it is in solid-state.
  • Add baking soda liquefied coconut oil and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your face with water and pat dry.
  • Now gently scrub your face with the mask in circular motion.
  • Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat the process twice in a week.

If you feel irritate or experience burning sensation on face, stop using it and apply aloe vera gel for soothing.

A breakthrough study has proven that this ugly plant turbo-charges metabolism and melts fat by fixing a newly discovered “root cause” of arm, butt and hip fat. It’s 556% more powerful than exercise – even when sleeping. It’s 611% more powerful at burning butt, arm and neck fat than any diet. Even Dr Oz. featured it recently on his show – calling it a booty fat buster! Can you guess which one it is? (Click the link to find out)

  1. Kohlrabi
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