
The Fountain Of Youth: Solid Growing Older Advice

Try to spread joy wherever you are and whenever you are around someone. Taking that sunny disposition and spreading it around makes the world a better place and makes you feel better as well. Happiness is priceless. It doesn’t cost a penny.

Get rid of friends who are unhappy people, but cherish the happy and positive people. There is evidence to suggest that laughter and smiling can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep skin looking younger. So try to spend time with upbeat people who bring a smile to your face rather than those who cause you to frown.

Avoid extreme environments. If you are outside when it is too hot or cold, you can really harm your skin. Doing so leads to premature getting older effects as well as increases your chances for skin cancer later in life.

Excess sugar consumption can actually shorten your life. The overconsumption of sugar can affect your lifespan and speed up the growing older process. Studies show that too much sugar can reduce the lifespan of any animal that can ingest it.

There are an almost endless variety of activities with which to fill your retirement years. Staying active, physically and mentally, will ensure that you get the most enjoyment out of your golden years. To stay mentally and physically fit, read articles on the subject as well. If you continually try different, interesting things and keep active, you will experience much health and enjoyment in your senior years.

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