
The famous baking soda cream to reduce wrinkles, spots and pimples

Exposure to the sun, aggressive chemicals and pollution can damage our skin and cause stains, wrinkles, and pimples that may be difficult to remove. You have probably tried a lot of creams and lotions to eliminate them, but your efforts seem futile. If you are looking for a natural remedy to remove these skin problems and find a radiant face, here is the ideal natural method!

Our skin produces a pigment called melanin that gives it its color. Under certain circumstances, this pigment is produced in excess, causing pigmentation and brown spots. The most common cause of this overproduction is exposure to harmful solar rays without any protection.

Wrinkles are caused by a combination of factors, including age, exposure to ultraviolet rays that accelerate aging, smoking and repeated facial expressions.

To remedy these skin problems, here is a mask based on baking soda that will restore youth and radiance to your face.

Cream with baking soda


2 tablespoons baking soda

Natural mineral water

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, if you have very oily skin

1/2 teaspoon Honey, if the skin of your face is dry

You can add any other ingredient you are used to, such as aloe vera, or olive oil.



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