
Soak Your Feet In ACV Once A Week – You Will See How All Your Diseases Disappear

The foot bath with the apple cider vinegar is mixed with water to prevent from thermal shock, and it is beneficial even more if we boost it up with some spices, herbs or aromatic salts, then further benefits will be provided.

The main reason for creating this mixture of water and apple cider vinegar and soaking our feet in it, is because our feet are constantly in lack of oxygenation and the feet are the are where most of the germs are accumulated. The types of germs and bacteria that is accumulated are very likely to cause dry feet, calluses, roughness or in some cases infections.

Because when you soak your feet in this bath with apple cider vinegar, they will be disinfected, therefore no bacteria, fungi or microbes will be there to create an unpleasant odor of your feet.

How to Make The Foot Bath:
Put water in a pot and put it on heat until it becomes lukewarm (15-18 degrees). Be careful not to make it too hot, then you may pour the water in a large container where your feet will fit inside to soak them, and make sure that you add the equal amount of apple cider vinegar inside the container. If you want to make a pleasant smell you may add a few drops of some essential oil, we recommend you lavender oil, which will stimulate sleep and improve the smell of your feet. Soak your feet from 30-45 minutes and then you can use a towel to dry them.

The apple cider vinegar has many uses, because it can prevent from many negative issues, such as sore throat, dandruff, improves the smell of your shoes and can eliminate bad odor in your home!

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