
Remove Age Spots and Hyperpigmentation With This Amazing Natural Remedy With Just 2 Ingredients!

Everyone wants good and brighten facial skin for the sake of charming look. Sometimes most of the people just overdo in this regard and use many cosmetic products which can affect you very badly in the shape of dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles can also caused by the poor diet, having a lot of stress, excessive smoking and not having enough sleep. If you are having dark circles under the eyes it looks very clear and bad even if you have brightened, smooth skin. Dark circles can decrease your facial charms. There are different cosmetic products are available to remove the dark circles but not for a long run. It is the natural process which is more effective and useful.

1. Cucumber

Cucumber contains the antioxidants and vitamins like cucurbitacins, orienting, vitexin, vitamin K and C. These antioxidants can play a vital role to reduce the dark circles by reducing the inflammation. Its cooling effect can remove the puffiness also.


Mix equal amount of cucumber juice and lemon juice
Apply it on the dark circles with the help of a cotton ball
Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes
Rinse it off with lukewarm water
Do this two times a day for at least 6 to 8 days to notice results of it

2.  Milk

Milk can make your skin under the eyes more soft and moisturized as it contains lactic acid. It also contains amino acids, enzymes, protein and antioxidants which can heal your damaged skin and make it more strong.



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