
How To Stimulate The Thyroid To Burn Fat And Activate Metabolism

In first world countries, it can sometimes seem like everyone is overweight. According to the American Heart Association, an astonishing 60-75% of the United States population is overweight or obese!1

People swing in and out of challenging diets, and gain and lose weight in cycles. The good news is that by using lifestyle and nutritional tactics that consistently help burn fat, you can make long-lasting healthy weight loss a reality.

Also, boosting the function of your thyroid gland helps to keep you lean. This is because the thyroid plays a crucial role in controlling the metabolism of your cells, the rate at which they use energy or the rate at which your cells perform their duties.

If you’re looking to lose weight, you should know that the thyroid and weight loss are deeply connected. Hypothyroidism not only slows down your metabolism, making it take longer for you to burn calories, it also can make you gain water weight.

9 Ways to Burn Fat and Boost Your Thyroid


A Mediterranean diet, a diet rich in whole plant foods and omega 3 fats from plants and fish, has been evidenced to fight disease in a multitude of scientific studies. Importantly, a review of randomized controlled studies found that a Mediterranean diet consistently helps people lose weight.2Whole plant foods like vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, and seeds help to keep blood sugar and insulin within healthy (or lower) ranges because the sugars in these foods are absorbed more slowly than processed carbohydrates.

The higher your insulin, the more energy you store and the fatter you tend to get. Interestingly, chronically high insulin causes itself to lose its ability to signal satiety, leaving you feeling hungry all the time (which leads to overeating).

Nuts consumed in a Mediterranean diet might increase the rate at which you burn energy, and the olive oil, which is traditionally eaten, has been shown to help people lose weight as compared to reduced fat diets.



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