
How to Remove Blackheads with Duct Tape

Blackheads are tiny bumps that usually affect the skin of your face or nose due to clogged hair follicles. They occur on your face or nose when different types of impurities like dirt and pollutants trap inside your skin pores. Natural oil under your skin gets more rigid and make your facial and nasal skin dark. These tiny black, dots are very tough to remove. Some people find exfoliation as an effective way to remove blackheads. However, if you want to remove them immediately, duct tape for blackheads can be the best bet.

In this guide, we will address everything about blackheads and duct tape. Is it safe to use duct tape for your skin? Is duct tape a useful blackheads removal trick? Are there some other alternatives? And more. But before talking in detail about duct tape, let’s talk about some crucial aspects of blackheads first.

What Causes Blackheads?

Sometimes, blackheads are confused with other skin conditions like acne, follicles, staph, and rosacea etc. But to ensure correct blackheadsremoval, you have to identify them correctly.

Blackheads are formed due to the development of a clog or plug in the hair follicles’ opening of your skin. Each follicle homes one hair and an oil-producing sebaceous gland. The oil, known as “sebum” is vital to keep your skin soft and supple. Your skin follicles regularly collect the dead skin cells and oils, and produce a very common facial or nasal bump known as “comedo”. When the skin covering this bump is closed, it is known as “whiteheads”. On the other hand, it is called as “blackheads” when the bump is opened and exposed to the air and other foreign particles.

Some factors that are known for increasing the chances of developing blackheads are:

  • Excessive production of oil under your skin.
  • A constant build-up of the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria on your facial or nasal skin.
  • Excessive oil production due to various hormonal changes. Your body may undergo hormonal surge during different conditions, including teen years, menstruation, pregnancy, among others. Birth control pills are also responsible for rapid hormonal fluctuations.
  • Certain drugs like androgens, corticosteroids, and lithium etc. also cause different skin appearances, including blackheads.
  • When the dead skin cells don’t leave your skin for a long time, your skin may get irritated and develop blackheads.

Are there Blackheads Symptoms?


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