
How to get rid of oily hair fast–DIY Tips and Tricks

Starting your day with those sticky, oily hair can be the worst thing you would want! And, unfortunately, we all go through this problem quite a few times!

And we keep scratch or heads asking “how to get rid of oily hair fast!” And that’s because dealing with messy, glossy hair can turn into a nightmare, especially for working ladies!

Hey guys! If you are also one of those annoying people having oily, greasy hair for a while now, like always, we are here to help you!

Getting rid of grease from hair can surely be intimidating because no one wants to disturb the natural scalp oil that keeps your hair healthy and shiny. And using hard substances on hair is not recommended. So, what are the alternate solutions?

Before answering that, let’s try to find out why your hair gets greasy and oily?

Why does my hair get greasy after one day?

There are very different causes of oily and greasy hair, and you may have a completely different reason(s) than your family members or friends. But yes, one thing is usually common among all affected people is overactivity of sebaceous glands meaning due to some obvious reasons, your sebaceous glands start producing excessive sebum.

But yes, one thing is usually common among all affected people is overactivity of sebaceous glands meaning due to some obvious reasons, your sebaceous glands start producing excessive sebum.

Sebum is of course very good for your hair, and keeps them smooth, healthy, and shiny, and prevents them from breaking and drying out. Just like all other things, excess of sebum can have negative effects on your hair, as they get slick and greasy.

Factors like excessive dandruff and excessively oily scalp are also linked with greasy hair. Some other common causes of oily hair are:

  • Heredity problems
  • Prolonged usage of certain medications
  • Improper care of hair
  • Unhealthy diet and regimen
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Extended periods of stress
  • Atmospheric changes

How to Treat Oily Hair Easily at Home?


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