
How to Get Rid of Eggshell Nails

Healthy and attractive nails are not about defining your personality. They also reflect how healthy or unhealthy you are from inside.

You may have various problems related to nails, and having eggshell nails is among the most common ones.

Also known as “hapalonychia,” it is a condition that makes your nails look white and brittle – just like an eggshell.

Various underlying health conditions like hormonal imbalances, traumas, and many different, prolonged diseases can be responsible for the condition. Among all these factors, malnutrition is one of the primary causes of weak and brittle nails.

The nail matrix is an important aspect and is responsible for the proper development of a nail plate that lounges on the dermis and epidermis layers of your fingers.

The length, size, and thickness of the nail matrix determine your nails’ length and width. As a result, both layers are attached to the bones, muscles, and lymph vessels.

Therefore, any abnormality related to the nail matrix’s functioning usually results in various nail problems, including eggshell nails.

If you are also worried about your brittle, weak nails, we are here with some simple tricks to improve your nails’ shape and appearance again. Before that, let’s try to know some apparent causes of the eggshell nail.

Causes of Eggshell Nails

We are yet to find the exact cause of weak and brittle nails. However, factors like prolonged diseases, nutritional deficiencies, continuous mental stress, overuse of certain medications, etc., can play contributory factors.

Stress and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, in particular, may affect the nail matrix and nail beds adversely and may force the development of weaker, thin, and brittle nails.

Nutrition from foods, especially essential fatty acids, vitamins B7, B12, C, ensure healthy nail production, development, and nourishment.

And, when you don’t get proper nutrition from your diet, either due to ignorance, unavailability of foods, or certain health conditions, you may start noticing some obvious changes in your nails.

Signs and Symptoms of Eggshell Nails


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