
How To Be Pretty (Inside And Out) Tips You’ve Never Heard

4. For Beautiful Skin, Stay Hydrated!

Hydrate. Beautiful people hydrate! If you’re thirsty, you’re probably already dehydrated. Make sure you carry a bottle of water around to sip on to stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks.

Hydrated skin is plump, glowing and gorgeous! You should aim for 8 cups a day, and no coffee does not count– sorry:(

5. Take care of your body

Beautiful people take care of their body! Ten minutes of exercise a day is better than none!

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, just set aside 10 minutes a day to do a simple stretch, or go for a walk around the block. Get your body moving!

6. If You Want To Be Pretty, Eat Healthy

Eat healthy, vibrant foods. A top tip for how to be pretty- You are what you eat!

Eat high vibration foods to raise your body’s energy and feel better!

7. Beauty Starts In Your Gut

Improve your gut health. Your gut is the centre of your body and when it’s off balance, so is everything else- including your hair, skin, nails and mind! If you have too much bad bacteria you’ll suffer from acne, inflammation, low energy and other problems.

Try probiotics to boost gut health!

8. Truly Beautiful People Are Kind

Give a compliment. Beautiful people make other’s feel good! TRY IT!

When you compliment someone else, somehow you instantly feel better about yourself! Helping others is a beautiful thing! It doesn’t have to be a compliment. Just doing something nice for someone will instantly help you glow up!! You’ll be shining with positive energy!

9. Take care of your skin and keep it beautiful

Beautiful people take care of their skin. When it comes to beauty products – I make my skin, my top priority before fashion, makeup or hair care etc. I consider it an investment because I’m going to be in it for the rest of my life and great skin, unlike shoes, never goes out of style.

10. Try Weekly Face Masks

Try these DIY Beauty Hacks you can make at home!

Do an oatmeal mask. Oatmeal is soothing and mildly exfoliating.

Deep-clean. Make sure you are giving your skin a good, deep-down clean. This Antimicrobial Facial Cleansing Brush System is comparable to the much pricier Clarisonic, giving you the deepest-down clean revealing baby smooth skin.

Michael Todd Beauty – Son…Shop on Amazon

11. Use Rose Water Spritz To Calm & Soothe Your Skin

Use rosewater. Rosewater is a natural, refreshing toner.

HERITAGE STORE Rosewater – …Shop on Amazon

12. Protect your skin from the sun.

Avoid the sun and wear sun protection.

13. Switch to natural skincare.

Chemicals wreck havoc on your natural skin. Nourish your skin with natural ingredients!

14. Do a facial massage

Facial massage. I highly recommend that everyone try Ayurvedic skin care! It’s a gentle, natural approach to skin care for all skin types! I massage my face daily for a few minutes with the oils and the Kansa wand and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my skin!

Tips Massage Your Face:

Simply warm up a few drops in your palm and apply a dab to your forehead, cheeks, chin and then neck. I gently massage the oil in circular motions starting with the centre of the forehead working your way around to the temples, then cheeks, the sides of the nose, and around your mouth, finishing with your chin and neck! It usually takes about two minutes tops to do a good, thorough face massage.

Benefits Of A Face Massage:

  • Improved blood flow
  • Increased circulation
  • Increased collagen production
  • Improved elasticity
  • Instant glow
  • Improves product absorption

15. Boost your confidence to look and feel pretty

Beautiful people are comfortable with themselves. To be more confident, wear what makes you happy, and don’t be afraid to try new things and find your personal style.

Confidence is not just something you feel inside, it shows on the outside! What makes you unique is what makes you beautiful! Own it! Remind yourself daily that you are magical and beautiful!

16. Don’t forget to take care of your hair

Take care of your hair. Castor oil can help mend dry ends.

17. Massage your scalp

Try scalp massage. Scalp massage increases blood flow, gets rid of dandruff and encourages new hair growth. Try this DIY scalp massage.

Avoid hair care products with chemicals.

Add essential oils to your hair care routine. Try rosemary, sandalwood and lavender!

18. Take good care of your eyes

Take care of your eyes. Clear, pretty, healthy eyes, are beautiful eyes.

Use gentle, natural makeup removers like coconut oil!

19. Be gentle with your eye area

Avoid chemical eye drops!

Instead of eye drops, try waking your eyes up with a splash of cold water in the morning.

De-puff your eyes with cold cucumber slices.

20. Take care of your smile.

Beautiful people smile! You’ll instantly look prettier with a smile! And if you take proper care of your teeth, even better! Pearly whites will definitely make you look healthy and vibrant!

Try oil pulling. Oil pulling involves using coconut oil to deep clean your mouth.

Use baking Soda to whiten your teeth.

21. Beauty and being pretty starts with self love

It sounds corny but this has made a HUGE difference in how I see myself! If you want to learn how to be pretty, you have to love yourself in order to see that you are beautiful and unique and have so much to offer and be thankful for.

Learn to love yourself. I saved the best tip for last. If you don’t feel pretty, you obviously aren’t fully loving YOU! By developing a greater self-love, you’ll soon start to feel so much better about yourself and embrace all of the amazing qualities you have, instead of focusing on what you think you lack!

These self-love affirmations can help you love yourself!

Wrapping Up How To Be Pretty

When do you feel pretty? Want to know how to be pretty? For me- it’s when I get a good night’s sleep and wake up on the right side of the bed (I’m not a morning person). And when my skin is clear and the sun is shining and I’ve just had a cup of coffee, I feel my best:)

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