
Complete Guide For Removing Dry and Dark Skin on Your Neck, Elbows, Knees and Underarms

Many people bear the shame of having dark underarms, knees or elbows, or dark skin patches on the neck. People who have the problem with dark underarms, usually cannot raise their hands regardless and tend to be careful all the time.
The underarms may have gone dark because of some of errors including shaving or utilizing chemical hair uprooting creams and antiperspirants. The skin around the elbows and knees is generally thicker and has a bigger number of folds than its encompassing skin.

Regarding the fact that there are no oil organs in these territories, this skin has a tendency to be drier. In this way, when you do not take care of your skin, the skin on knees and elbows turns out to be much darker than different parts of your body.
Usually, the dark skin patches around the neck are the skin pigmentation issue known as acanthosisnigricans, maturing and exposed to sun.
We here present to you the best natural remedies for these skin issues:

Home remedies for dark underarms:
1. Milk

Vitamins and fatty acids in milk are exceptionally efficient in helping the dark skin under arms. If blended with curd, the lactic acid too causes brightening of your dark underarm.

  • Two tablespoons of flour.
  • One tablespoon of milk.
  • One tablespoon of curd.

Method of preparation:
Blend the milk, curd and flour to get a paste. Apply the mixture to your underarms, and let it stay
for 15 minutes.Wash off with water.

2. Cucumbers
Cucumbers also have skin lightening properties. Ve bleaching properties, so their combination will give remarkable results. While lemon attempts to whiten your skin, cucumber relieves the skin avoiding any tingling or disturbance.
Method of preparation:
This is in fact an ayurvedic cure so natural that you can do it every day.Blend cucumber juice with lime juice and add a juice of turmeric to it. Lemon whitens and evacuates dead cells, cucumber gives cooling impact and turmeric averts staining.
You can simply cut roundels of cucumber and rub your underarms with it.Then again apply the juice of cucumber to your dark underarm. This will also help your skin in a couple of days.

3. Chickpea flour mask


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