
Best Oily Skin Care Home Remedies

Does your makeup always seem to slide off a couple of hours after applying it? Does your face become oily and greasy a few minutes after washing it?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you are aware of the daily issues faced by people with oily skin. Sometimes oily skin is nothing short of a nightmare.

Oily skin is a result of excess sebum produced by sebaceous glands located under the surface of the skin. Though this sebum helps to moisturize the skin and keep it healthy, excess amounts of it can engender enlarged pores, a shiny and greasy look, and generally unhealthy skin.

Oily skin can also result in the development of acne that makes people extremely concerned about their appearance. Believe me when I say I get it! I have had raging battles with my oily skin over most of my growing up years. Managing oily skin can be a frustrating experience.

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin On Face?

There are thousands of oily skin products available in the market. Many of them are good too. But there is no escaping the fact that no product comes without being laden with chemical preservatives.

It takes a while to arrive at the most suitable product that meets your requirements, and then, let’s face it – most of them are fairly expensive too. I don’t know about you, but the thought of chemicals puts me off from buying any beauty product, no matter how reputed it is.

This is why, I find home remedies to address my skincare needs, always an enticing prospect.

Luckily, there are plenty of home remedies to get rid of oily skin naturally, plenty of ways to tame that monster with only a moderate effort.

There are a few naturally occurring, and easily accessible substances that can easily clean up all the muck from the skin and help unclog your skin pores. These substances are effective on any kind of oily skin too. Most products for oily skin available in the market are also derived by keeping these substances as the main ingredients.

If only one can understand these substances, take cognizance of their ready accessibility, and efficacy in dealing with oily skin, there are really endless ways of developing homemade solutions to your oily skin care needs.

That way, not only would you be able to do away with those expensive chemical-laden beauty creams, but you would also be aware of what exactly you are putting on your skin. Wouldn’t that make you more confident?

Just think, just because these products are easily available in the market, we buy them impulsively without giving due consideration to the issue.

These beauty products have flooded the market only in the past 7 or 8 decades. Before that, for hundreds of generations, people relied only on the understanding of these naturally occurring substances to remedy their oily skin issues. How do you think the queens and high-ladies of yore tended to their skin? With the help of beauty creams?

In this post, we will see what natural ingredients are good for oily skin. I will recommend 20 effective home remedies for oily skin which are affordable, easy to use, available in your kitchen, and above all, effective.

So, if you are also someone wondering how to get rid of oily skin naturally, read on.

There is no need to visit a dermatologist for treating oily skin. The solution is right there in your kitchen. Here’s a list of some home remedies for oily skin in summer.

A word of caution – always perform a patch test to make sure your skin is not allergic to any ingredient.

1. Honey


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