
Baking Soda Is A Gardener’s Best Friend – Here Are 14 Nifty Uses In The Garden

3. Compost and Soil

  • To test the pH of the soil, you’ll need half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of vinegar. Next, get two samples of soil and place them into separate containers. Pour vinegar into one of the samples, and if it bubbles, its pH is above seven or alkaline. In case it doesn’t, add baking soda with half a cup of water to the other sample, and if it bubbles now, it is acidic.
  • To decrease the intense odor of compost, sprinkle just a bit of baking soda on the top of the pile.

4. Taste and look of the plants

  • Tomatoes are sweeter when grown in less acidic soil, so sprinkle a bit of baking soda in the soil around them.
  • To stimulate the blooming of begonias, hydrangeas, and geraniums, water them monthly with a unique tonic made of two quarts water and one tablespoon baking soda.
  • To make your lilies, iris’s, geraniums, and daisies grow healthier and brighter, before watering them, add some baking soda to the water.

5. Cleaning

  • Use baking soda to clean the decorations in your garden. Wash them with a quart of warm water and two tablespoons of baking soda. Dip a brush into the mixture and scrub the stains away.
  • Baking soda is excellent for cleaning the garden walkways as well. When they become covered in weeds and grimy, wash them with the same mixture, and they will become beautiful again.
  • Clean and deodorize the garden tools with baking soda.

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