
A Natural Remedy To Enhance Your Vision and Stop Hair Loss

  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 10 tbs. of organic honey
  • 200 gr of linseed oil
  • 4 lemons


This is what you have to do – to begin with, you have to peel, chop and grind the garlic. At that point, you have to chop the lemons (peeled) and place them into a glass jar. Then, you have to include the garlic, the honey and the linseed oil. When you are finished with that, you have to blend them well with a wooden spoon and put this blend into your refrigerator. As we said, this blend will enhance your vision – at the same time, you shouldn’t apply topically on your eyes. You have to consume this blend. Simply take 1 tbs. of this blend before every meal, 3 times each day. You will be astounded by the outcomes.

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