Health & Fitness

7 Signs You Need to Know If You’re Gluten Intolerant

Gluten is a silent killer and it can cause chronic damage in your body. It’s really important to learn whether you’re gluten intolerant or not in order to maintain good health. Not sure if you’re gluten intolerant?

Here are 7 gluten sensitivity symptoms:

1. Problems with the central nervous system

Gluten sensitivity can cause problems such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, problems with concentration and fatigue. People that have gluten intolerance can easily get irritated and suffer from poor concentration. One study shows that people with gluten intolerance are more prone to suffering from migraines.

2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

People that are gluten intolerant may suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and constipation. Sometimes doctors confuse these symptoms with IBS syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome). If you don’t get proper treatment, the symptoms won’t disappear.

3. Hormonal imbalance

These symptoms mainly occur in women and they include sudden weight fluctuation, irregular menstrual cycle, sleep disorder and PMS. Studies have shown that there’s a direct relationship between hormonal disorders and gluten intolerance.

4. Skin and nail problems


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