Health & Fitness

6-Ingredient Lemon-Ginger Liver Detox Juice to Stop Your Body from Storing Toxins in Fat


Beets and carrots are both full of cartenoids that improve liver health by stimulating bile flow to help your liver take our the trash and fiber to absorb the bile and push it out of your digestive tract. Beta-carotene also protects the liver from alcohol-induced liver damage .

Beets also contain compounds that fight fat deposits in the liver, lower blood pressure, fight cholesterol and promote blood flow .

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties and helps stimulate digestion. It aids in the detoxification process by promoting the elimination of toxins from the liver and enhancing overall digestion.

Red apples are packed with antioxidants, especially quercetin, which helps protect liver cells from damage caused by toxins. Apples also provide soluble fiber, aiding in the elimination of waste products from the body.

Kale and other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate, an enzyme that fights cancer and flushes out toxins. It also improves thyroid function to prevent hormonal imbalances and excess weight gain .

Lemon are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which aid in liver detoxification. They stimulate the liver to produce detoxifying enzymes and support the elimination of waste products. Lemons also help balance the body’s pH levels.

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