Health & Fitness

6-Ingredient Lemon-Ginger Liver Detox Juice to Stop Your Body from Storing Toxins in Fat

Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins from the environment and the food we consume. These toxins can burden our liver, hindering its ability to function optimally. An overloaded liver can result in the storage of toxins in fat cells, leading to weight gain and various health issues. However, with a simple and nutritious 6-ingredient lemon-ginger liver detox juice, you can support your liver’s natural detoxification process and promote a healthier body. Let’s explore this powerful recipe and understand how each ingredient contributes to the detoxification process.


This recipe is quick, easy and makes about 2 meal servings or 4 snacks.


  • 3 Organic carrots
  • 1 Organic cooked beet
  • 2 Organic red apples
  • 6 Organic kale leaves, despined
  • ½ inch of ginger root
  • ½ organic lemon
  • 1 ½ cups of water


Peel, wash, and cut all ingredients. Keep the carrot, apple and lemon peels aside to incorporate into the juice.

Place all of the ingredients and peels into a blender and pulse until smooth.
If you like, you can strain the mixture before drinking.
Enjoy immediately or store in a mason jar and refrigerate for a healthy snack.



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