
5 Bad Skin Care Habits That Are Ruining Your Skin

I feel like my skin care routine has come a long way from what it was and I’m so grateful!

But looking back on some of my skin care practices definitely makes me cringe and I can see now that these habits were holding me back from my best skin. So let’s see if you are guilty of any of these bad skin care habits, shall we?

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bad skin care care mistakes to avoid.

   1. Not Properly Removing My Makeup

This is a real no-no. While I’ve never slept in makeup (that’s just gross), I didn’t start properly double cleansing and removing all traces of it until this year (yikes!). So how did I remove my makeup, you ask? I used my exfoliating scrub every night – that’s right – a harsh scrub that’s supposed to be used after properly cleansing and removing makeup. It’s a wonder I still have skin on my face.

What prompted me to stop? My love for beauty blogs and a serious focus on skin care this year forced me to do a lot of reading on the benefits of double cleansing and proper makeup removal products.

A few months ago, I started using Garnier Micellar Water to remove my makeup each night and I noticed a difference in my skin after the very first use; it was softer and much less irritated! Cleansing balms, oils or milks are also great for thoroughly removing makeup.


   2. Manually Exfoliating Every Night

I had a few pimples in my teens that prompted me to focus on exfoliation. Why? Because I found daily exfoliation with a rough scrub was the only thing at the time that prevented and reduced my outbreaks. I knew that exfoliation should be done only once or twice a week, but….exfoliating every night kept my skin so clear and even, why would I ever stop?

Well, it’s been many years since I’ve gotten a blemish, but this skin care habit never died. Fast forward to earlier this year, my skin started getting angry. My pores became super large and my cheeks got redder and bumpier than usual. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, but decided it was time to give my exfoliating scrub a rest to let my skin calm down.

BEST. DECISION. EVER. I now manually exfoliate with a milder scrub only once or twice a week and continue to use an exfoliating toner both morning and night. My skin and I are now back on speaking terms.


   3. Rinsing With Hot Water


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