
30 Effective Home Remedies To Get Wrinkle-Free Skin

6. Apple Cider Vinegar For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the vinegar and honey and apply this mixture on your face and neck.
  2. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  4. Apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.
How Often You Should Do This

Apply this twice a week.

Why This Works

The pH balancing property of apple cider vinegar, along with healing properties of honey, will make your skin glow with a youthful appearance (9).

Due to its highly acidic nature, apple cider vinegar may burn your skin if you apply it without first diluting it with water.

7. Vaseline For Wrinkles

Vaseline to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

Vaseline or petroleum jelly

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline on the affected area.
  2. Massage for a few minutes so that it is easily absorbed.
  3. Leave it on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every night before going to bed, and you will start noticing results soon.

Why This Works

Using petroleum jelly for wrinkles is a remedy loved even by celebrities. It is an occlusive agent, which means that it locks in moisture in the skin (10). The exact mechanism of how petrolatum diminishes and prevents wrinkles is still unclear, but there is no harm in trying this remedy as petroleum jelly is safe to use topically.


Do not use this remedy if you have acne-prone skin.

8. Egg White For Wrinkles

You Will Need

1 egg white

What You Have To Do
  1. Gently whisk the egg white and apply it on your skin.
  2. Allow it to dry completely. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this face mask once or twice a week.

Why This Works

Instead of trying out those anti-wrinkle creams, reach out for egg whites. Wrinkles and sagged skin will soon be a thing of the past with this simple home remedy. The egg whites tighten your skin naturally, easing fine lines and laugh lines. This remedy is especially good for people with oily skin as egg white also unclogs pores and absorbs the excess sebum from the skin (11).

9. Avocado For Wrinkles

Avocado to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

An avocado

What You Have To Do
  1. Peel and remove the pit of the fruit.
  2. Mash the pulp to get a smooth paste.
  3. Apply this on the skin for 20-30 minutes before you step into the shower.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once or twice a week.

Why This Works

Have you ever checked out the ingredients of your favorite natural anti-wrinkle cream? You are bound to see avocado in it. This fruit is a blessing for those with premature wrinkles. Along with halting premature aging, it reduces wrinkles and pampers your skin back to health. Your skin will glow with radiance and vitality (12).

10. Aloe Vera For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 1 egg white
What You Have To Do
  1. Make a paste of these two ingredients and gently massage it on your face.
  2. Leave it on for half an hour and wash off.

You can also apply aloe vera gel by itself.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this face pack twice a week.

Why This Works

Aloe vera gel is an enriched source of vitamin E, which is a booster for the skin and works excellently in combination with egg whites and crushed garlic. Aloe vera also heals dull skin with its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds (13).

11. Cucumber Mask For Wrinkles

Cucumber mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

Cucumber juice

What You Have To Do
  1. Scoop out the seeds from the cucumber and grate the rest.
  2. Squeeze the grated cucumber to extract the juice.
  3. Gently cleanse your skin and apply this all over your face.
  4. Let it dry naturally and then rinse with water.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once every day.

Why This Works

This one is yet another home remedy for wrinkle-free skin that is simply fail proof. Cucumber contains 95% water and many minerals and vitamins. Within a few applications, you will see that the wrinkles and dark circles have visibly reduced (14).

12. Honey For Wrinkles

You Will Need

Raw honey

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply honey on your skin and massage for a minute or so.
  2. Leave it on for a half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.

You can also shred a small piece of ginger and add it to the honey for added benefits.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day for healthy and youthful skin.

Why This Works

Heavy work really tells on your eyes, and with age, they get wrinkles and look very tired. Counter this by applying best quality bee’s honey around the skin of your eyes. It balances the skin’s pH and conditions it to decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines (15).

13. Rosehip Oil For Wrinkles

Rosehip oil to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

3-4 drops of rosehip oil

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply the oil on your face and massage until it is absorbed.
  2. Leave it on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this every night.

Why This Works

This essential oil is excellent for deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. The Duchess of Cambridge swears by the anti-aging effects of this oil. The vitamin A, vitamin E, and fatty acids present in it penetrate into the deeper layers of skin and lighten scars and banish wrinkles (16).

14. Lemon Juice For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix equal quantities of lemon juice and honey.
  2. Apply the mixture on your face and neck. Let it dry for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

You can repeat this twice a week.

Why This Works

Lemon juice is not just useful to quench your thirst during the summer, but you can use it as part of your beauty treatment as well. Its vitamin C content helps in rebuilding collagen in the skin, which in turn fades away wrinkles and fine lines (17).

15. Shea Butter For Wrinkles

Shea butter to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

Organic shea butter

What You Have To Do

Massage the affected area with shea butter using gentle circular motions.

How Often You Should Do This

This is best done every day after taking a shower.

Why This Works

Shea butter is extremely hydrating for the skin. It improves the elasticity of the skin and also promotes collagen synthesis (18).

16. Jojoba Oil For Face Wrinkles

You Will Need

Jojoba oil

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply a few drops of jojoba oil on your face. Massage gently.
  2. Leave it on for a few hours.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day for wrinkle-free skin.

Why This Works

Jojoba oil is quite similar to the natural oil produced by the skin. It gets easily absorbed into the skin and lubricates it. With regular use, fine lines and wrinkles are reduced (19).

17. Turmeric Mask For Wrinkles

Turmeric mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1-2 tablespoons sugarcane juice
What You Have To Do
  1. Make a paste with the turmeric powder and sugarcane juice. Mix well so that there are no lumps.
  2. Apply this and leave it on for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this mask twice a week.

Why This Works

Turmeric and sugarcane will synergically slow down the loosening of skin. Sugarcane juice contains glycolic acid that removes dead skin cells and turmeric possesses healing properties that rejuvenate the skin (20).


Use turmeric powder that is meant to be used topically as this stains less. Turmeric used for cooking purposes will leave yellow stains on your skin that will be difficult to remove.

18. Kalonji Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon kalonji oil (black seed oil)
What You Have To Do
  1. Make a blend of both the oils and apply it to the affected area.
  2. Do not rinse it off for at least a few hours.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this before going to bed every night.

Why This Works

Widely used in the Middle East and Southeast Asia for its healing properties, black seed oil or kalonji oil contains a rich variety of phytochemicalsThey are bioactive nutrient plant chemicals found in vegetables, grains, fruits, and other plant foods. that are beneficial for the body and skin. Its unsaturated fatty acids, like linoleic acid and oleic acid, moisturize the skin. The antioxidants present in it reverse the damage caused by oxidative stress (21).

19. Baking Soda Mask For Wrinkles

Baking soda mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon water
What You Have To Do
  1. Make a baking soda paste and use it to scrub the affected areas gently.
  2. Scrub for a few minutes in circular motions.
  3. Rinse with water, pat dry and moisturize.

You can also apply the baking soda paste as a mask and let it dry for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Baking soda mask or scrub can be used twice a week.

Why This Works

Baking soda is an exfoliating product that removes dead cells and also any impurities that have accumulated in your pores. It improves the cell turnover and blood circulation, which help in reducing wrinkles (22).


This home remedy can leave your skin a little dry. Do not forget moisturize the skin after this.

20. Cinnamon Mask For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the honey and cinnamon and apply this mixture as a mask.
  2. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this face mask twice a week.

Why This Works

The cinnamon paste and honey combo is a great anti-aging mask. Cinnamon’s free radical scavenging activity is further enhanced by honey. They both possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties (23). Honey is also an emollient (15).


Cinnamon can be irritating for certain skin types. Do a patch test before using it.

21. Green Tea For Wrinkles

Green tea to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 1 green tea bag
  • A cup of hot water
  • Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
  1. Brew some fresh green tea by steeping the tea bag in hot water for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add honey to taste. Drink while the tea is warm.
How Often You Should Do This

Sip on 2-3 cups of green tea in a day.

Why This Works

Did you ever laugh at those several dozens of people who sipped on green tea while you were relishing a hot cup of Joe? The next time you are tempted to laugh at someone who has a mug of green tea, pause, and look at his or her skin. You will be astounded how radiant and glowing they look. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that help in cleansing the body, reducing wrinkles and sagging of the skin (24).

22. Papaya And Banana Mask

You Will Need
  • A small piece of papaya
  • 1/2 banana
What You Have To Do
  1. Purée the two fruits together and apply the paste on those fine lines on your forehead.
  2. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this fruit mask once or twice a week.

Why This Works

Papaya is loaded with enzymes such as papain, while banana is rich in vitamins that help in revitalizing your skin. This pulp is a good antidote for premature aging signs (25, 26).

23. Yogurt Mask For Wrinkles

Yogurt mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 3-4 tablespoons yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the olive oil and yogurt. Beat the mixture gently so that the oil is completely blended with the yogurt.
  2. Apply this on your face and neck. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat the application of this mask twice a week.

Why This Works

The lactic acid and other natural enzymes present in yogurt cleanse the pores and shrink them. This exerts a tightening effect on the skin, thus reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Yogurt also diminishes scars and makes your skin smooth (27).

24. Aspirin Mask For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 8-10 aspirin tablets
  • Water
What You Have To Do

1. Crush the aspirin tablets and add enough water to make a paste.
2. Apply this on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
3. Rinse with water and pat dry.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this twice a week.

Why This Works

Aspirin is composed of acetylsalicylic acid, which unclogs pores and also shrinks them. This chemical possesses exfoliating properties as well. With regular application, it exerts anti-aging effects on the skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles (28).


If you have dry skin, this remedy can dehydrate your skin further. Moisturize your skin well after each application to avoid any dry patches.

25. Tomato Mask For Wrinkles

Tomato mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 1 small, ripe tomato
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt
What You Have To Do
  1. Cut the tomato in half and dip the inner half in sea salt.
  2. Scrub your face with this for a minute or so.
  3. Leave the tomato pulp that has oozed out onto your skin on for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.

You can also include tomato paste in your diet for better results.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this twice every week.

Why This Works

Tomato is rich in beta-caroteneAn organic pigment responsible for plants and fruits’ red and orange colors that also works as an antioxidant. and lycopene that reverse the damage caused by the harmful sun rays. Fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and freckles can all be reduced and lightened with this tomato mask (29).

26. Radish Seed Mask For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • A handful of radish seeds
  • Water
What You Have To Do
  1. Grind the radish seeds using a mortar and pestle or a dry grinder.
  2. Add enough water to make a paste.
  3. Apply the radish seed paste on the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Gently remove the mask with lukewarm water.
How Often You Should Do This

You can apply this mask twice a week.

Why This Works

Radish seeds are commonly used to get rid of blackheads and freckles. While their use in the cosmetic field is already well-established, very few know that these seeds can also be used for anti-wrinkle treatment. They contain saponins, tannins, and phenols that possess healing properties (30).

27. Almond Mask For Wrinkles

Almond mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • 5-6 almonds
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • ½ -1 teaspoon saffron
What You Have To Do

1. Soak the almonds and saffron overnight in the milk.
2. Remove the almond peels in the morning and grind along with the milk they were soaked in to make a paste.
3. Apply this on the face and let it dry for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with water.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this twice a week for young and healthy skin.

Why This Works

Almonds contain vitamin E that restores the natural elasticity of the skin. Along with the milk and saffron, almonds moisturize the skin and make it soft and glowing (31).

28. Celery Mask For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 2 tablespoons powdered oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons celery juice
What You Have To Do
  1. Juice a celery stick or two and add it to the oatmeal. Mix well.
  2. Apply this paste on the face and neck.
  3. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wet your hands and gently scrub the pack away in circular motions.
  5. Rinse your face thoroughly with water.
How Often You Should Do This

Use this as a face mask/scrub up to twice a week.

Why This Works

Celery is very high in water content and is excellent at rehydrating the skin. It also contains minerals like magnesium and potassium, and vitamins like A, B1, and B6 that nourish the skin. Acne scarring is a common ailment for which celery face packs are used. The same healing properties of celery can be used for reducing wrinkles (32).

29. Fenugreek Mask For Wrinkles

Fenugreek mask to get wrinkle-free skin

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need
  • A handful of fenugreek leaves
  • Water
What You Have To Do
  1. Grind the leaves with some water to get a smooth and even paste.
  2. Apply the fenugreek paste as a face mask and let it dry for 12-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse and pat dry.
How Often You Should Do This

Apply this face mask once or twice a week.

Why This Works

Fenugreek leaves are often used to treat skin disorders. They contain many minerals and vitamins that help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines (33).

30. Kiwi Fruit For Wrinkles

You Will Need

A medium-sized kiwi

What You Have To Do
  1. Peel and cut the fruit into small pieces. Grind in a blender to get a paste.
  2. Apply this on the face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.
How Often You Should Do This

Use kiwi as a face mask twice a week.

Why This Works

Kiwis rejuvenate the skin as they are rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and lycopene. They boost the production of collagen and elastin, which are required for a firm and younger looking skin (34).

The home remedies listed in this article have been tried and tested by people across the globe. The ingredients in each remedy contain potent compounds that will reduce wrinkles and also make your skin healthy. Include these remedies in your regular skincare routine to get rid of wrinkles and prevent them in the future as well. Dr. Pescatore adds, “Certain antioxidants have been shown to help counter the effects of aging and can be added to your daily routine in the form of natural supplements.”

Apart from these remedies, certain lifestyle changes need to be made to prevent premature aging and wrinkles. Here are a few simple tips you can follow.

Other Tips To Fight Wrinkles

1. Sleep

Nothing can be more effective to ease out those fine lines appearing on the skin. As you sleep, the body goes into the restoration mode and, at the same time, secretes the human growth hormone (HGH). HGH plays a quintessential role in keeping your skin more elastic and less prone to wrinkles. If your body is deprived of rest, it results in an increase in the production of cortisol, which breaks down the skin cells, triggering wrinkle formation. Make sure you sleep on your back. Sleeping on your sides can cause wrinkles on that side to increase.

2. De-stress

Lighten up, for stress can have adverse effects on your beauty. Stress, along with anxiety and tension, could make your skin thin and weaker and prone to wrinkles. Exercise daily or indulge in recreational activities so that stress does not get to you. Think about all the good things in your life – and smile. A smile aids stress management and helps banish those wrinkles.

Life often springs unexpected situations at you. You need to learn the technique of keeping calm, no matter how challenging or adverse the situation may be. Stay relaxed all the time, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Drink And Rinse

On an average, an adult is advised to drink at least 1 to 2 liters of water in a day. However, studies indicate that you should drink 5 to 6 liters of water in a day to keep your organs healthy. Drinking ample amount of water helps your body flush out toxic waste. A clean inside reflects on the body outside.

4. Trim Those Bangs

Trimming those bangs if you are over 25 is a sure way to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead. A quick trim will round up your face, accentuate your features, and reduce wrinkles. Try it! We are not kidding you on this one.

5. The Sun – The Ultimate Villain

Yes, the sun is the most crucial factor that contributes to the generation of wrinkles. The harmful UV rays of the sun are extremely damaging for the skin and deplete it of its natural moisture. The weakened collagen fails to protect the skin from further damage. The risk of skin cancer also increases if you step out in the sun every day without any sun protection. So, do not forget to use an umbrella or a hat the next time you step out.

6. Scarf Up

Non-radical issues, such as pollution, affect your skin the most. Use a scarf if you have to step out for long hours to protect your face from exposure to dust and pollution. Cleanse your skin with a mild face wash replenished with antioxidants for dirt, grime, and wrinkle-free skin.

7. Soak In SPF

As mentioned above, extensive exposure to the sun damages the skin beyond repairable levels. Studies suggest that while vitamin D is a blessing to the skin, exposing yourself to the ultraviolet-rich sun rays for a long time does more harm than good. It accelerates skin aging, resulting in the early onset of wrinkles.

Be liberal while using sunscreen. Opt for a sunscreen that has high SPF. Also, choose a product that is water-based and does not contain harmful chemicals. Apply it even during cloudy days. Apply it at least 15 minutes before your tryst with the sun, and reapply every 4 to 6 hours.

8. Quit Smoking And Alcohol

Apart from being hazardous to your health, smoking can also cause wrinkles. The carcinogens in cigarettes act as a toxic plastic bag around your pretty face, blocking and depriving it of oxygen. This exaggerates the pace with which wrinkles appear on your skin. So, say goodbye to smoking.

It may sound stereotyped, yet, you should quit alcohol as soon as you can. If you are unable to resist alcohol completely, you should set a limit on the intake.

9. It Can Be The Genes Sometimes

Strange, but true. Wrinkles can be the result of several genetic factors. In some families, people look aged in their mid-40s. On the contrary, in another family, the members might look young even in their 70s. Therefore, you should consider the genetic factor as far as wrinkles are concerned. However, it does not necessarily imply that genetically driven wrinkles cannot be removed. You can still get rid of them with proper skin care.

Acupuncture To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

This ancient Chinese method of healing and treating multiple ailments seems to have a solution even for wrinkles. Tiny acupuncture needles are inserted at different points to reinstate a healthy flow of energies. This causes the body’s fluids to flow freely and perform optimum functions. Facial acupuncture also enhances collagen production. Multiple sessions can enhance skin health and reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and skin folds (35).

Infographic: Most Effective Home Remedies To Manage Wrinkles

Home remedies may not show quick results, but you will see a difference with prolonged use. While all the remedies discussed in the article are excellent for managing wrinkles in the long run, a few are more potent. The following infographic is a round-up of the 8 most effective remedies you may try. Check it out.

most effective home remedies to manage wrinkles (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Wrinkles are a natural effect of skin aging, as with a reduction in collagen production, the skin loses its elasticity and develops lines and creases. However, environmental toxins, sun damage, pollutants, stress, lack of D3, smoking, and poor diet have made wrinkles an increasingly common issue among the younger generations. Fine lines, deep furrows, and loose skin are the common signs of wrinkles. Home remedies for wrinkles are the alternative to surgeries or treatments like botox if you want to get rid of them. Natural oils such as coconut oil, castor oil, argan oil, jojoba oil and sesame oil along with essential oils such as tea tree oil and lavender oil keep your skin nourished. Further, preparing facial masks with natural ingredients like grape seed extract, carrot juice, onion juice, apricot, apple cider vinegar, honey, egg white, yogurt, glycerin, chamomile, witch hazel, calendula, marigold, pomegranate, radish seed, papaya, orange, banana, almond, etc., are effective in helping remove wrinkles from the face and neck.

Frequently Asked Questions

Foods To Eat To Fight Wrinkles

As you grow old, the need for antioxidants becomes greater. The metabolism of the body deteriorates drastically with age. Weak digestion capacity and a poor metabolism are often responsible for the weakening of the skin. Therefore, add a lot of antioxidants to your diet for improved results. This translates to plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
• Consuming foods rich in vitamin A can take you one step closer to your dream skin. Fruits such as papaya, vegetables such as spinach, roots such as carrots, beans such as soybeans, and fish are great sources of vitamin A. This wonder vitamin will retard the aging of your skin and keep you looking young for years.
• Vitamin E is another component that keeps your skin firm and refreshed. Eat spinach, turnip greens, kale, Swiss chard, almonds, avocados, shellfish, fish, and olive oil.
• Grains such as buckwheat and wheat germ contain collagen-enhancing compounds.

Foods To Avoid To Prevent Wrinkles

Pro-inflammatory foods such as fried foods, processed foods, dairy, and sugar need to be avoided or kept to a minimum to prevent wrinkles.

What Age Do You Get Wrinkles?

The skin usually starts to show the signs of aging between the ages of 30 and 35. But, with the current environmental pollution and stress factors, premature aging with fine lines and wrinkles in the 20s is also common.

What Is The Difference Between Fine Lines And Wrinkles?

According to dermatologists, fine lines are one to two millimeters in depth. Any line deeper than two millimeters on the skin is regarded as a wrinkle.

Should You Stop Smiling To Prevent Wrinkles?

If you are considering stopping smiling to prevent wrinkles, you might as well not have any facial expression at all! Enjoy your life and smile as much as you want to. Just take good care of your skin and maintain a healthy diet. Laugh lines or wrinkles around your mouth in old age only indicate the happy life you have had. Do not let wrinkles stop you from enjoying your life.

Can A Massage Help Melt Away My Wrinkles?

Regular massage, be it on the face or the body, increases blood circulation and relieves stress. This, in turn, keeps your skin glowing and firm. Use a simple oil such as olive oil to further enhance the benefits of the massage. You will also be moisturizing your skin at the same time.

Does Moisturizer Get Rid Of Wrinkles?

Dry and dehydrated skin can easily develop fine lines and wrinkles. Using a good moisturizer or oil (that works as a skin moisturizer) on a daily basis will ensure that your skin is well hydrated and nourished. This reduces the chances of developing wrinkles. Regular usage of natural moisturizers with potent anti-aging contents such as olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil can help you reduce the already formed wrinkles in a couple of weeks.

Can rosewater reduce wrinkles?

Rosewater has anti-aging effects. Hence, when applied topically, it soothes and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (36).

Is hot or cold water better for wrinkles?

Cold or lukewarm water works great for wrinkles. It slows down the aging process and tightens the skin as there is reduced trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). It also makes skin look fresh and young (37).

Which herb is best for wrinkles?

Adding basil to food may help reduce or delay wrinkles. Its rich antioxidants help rebuild the collagen otherwise depleted due to excess sun exposure (38).

Does salt water get rid of wrinkles?

Limited information is available in this regard. However, some believe that a saltwater bath helps retain moisture and shrink pores, removes excess facial oil, and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Can drinking water clear wrinkles?

Dermatologists suggest that drinking enough water keeps your skin hydrated and helps maintain skin elasticity. While drinking water may not ‘clear away’ wrinkles magically, it definitely does contribute to skin health and delay signs of aging when coupled with other healthy lifestyle practices.

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