Health & Fitness

2 Tablespoons A Day And Goodbye Belly Fat

What is the right coconut oil dosage for weight loss?

At the beginning, use 1 – 2 tablespoons of oil in your diet, and then slowly increase to 5 – 6 tablespoons. The dosage of coconut oil for weight loss varies from one person to another.

For 90 – 130 lbs, use one tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 3 tablespoons daily.

For 131 – 180 lbs, use one and a half tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 4.5 tablespoons daily.

For above 180 lbs, use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil before each meal for total of 6 teaspoon daily.
What is the best time to take this coconut oil for weight loss?

15 – 20 minutes before taking meals is considered the best time to take coconut oil. It will help you reduce your appetite, and make sure to melt it to its liquid form before consumption.


People who are suffering from a thyroid problem can’t lose weight, even if they are trying hard. Unsaturated oils stop the protein digestion in the stomach and leave these people malnourished, even if they are eating healthy and nutritious food.

Coconut oil is not an unsaturated fat and it helps the thyroid gland to function properly. Also it helps the people to achieve their desired weight. Coconut oil boosts the metabolism that supports weight loss.

Consume a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil and slowly increase the quantity. Consume about 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Get all the benefits by replacing unhealthy oil virgin oil with virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil helps you achieve the desired weight by switching your body easily to fat – burning mode. It includes 3 important fatty acids: lauric acid, caprilic acid and capric acid.

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