Health & Fitness

16 Best Mosquito Bite Remedies For Quick Relief

Try these DIY tricks to soothe mosquito bite discomfort.

Mosquitoes, especially females, are on a mission for blood, drawn by sight, scent, or warmth. Though they could survive on nectar alone, they need the proteins and iron from blood for reproduction. After millions of years of practice, they’re experts at their craft.

Technically, mosquitoes don’t ‘bite.’ They use a sharp, thin proboscis to inject an anesthetic while they suck blood. Once they’ve had their fill, they leave behind saliva that irritates the skin, causing swelling, redness, and itching.

Despite our best efforts with repellents, mosquitoes still find us. If you get ‘bitten,’ start by cleaning the area and checking for any remaining proboscis. Then, it’s time to try various remedies to ease the discomfort.

Here are 12 common (and some not-so-common) methods for dealing with mosquito bites. Some might seem odd, but many people swear by them. What’s your go-to strategy for battling mosquito bites?

Why Do Mosquito Bites Make You Itch?

That annoying itch you feel after a mosquito bites you is your body’s response to the bite. Surprisingly, only female mosquitoes are the ones doing the biting.

Technically, mosquitoes don’t really ‘bite’—they ‘suck.’ When a female mosquito selects you for her dinner, she uses her needle-like mouthpart (proboscis) to pierce your skin and locate a blood vessel.

Once she finds a good spot, she starts feeding. But before she does, she releases some saliva. This saliva acts as an anticoagulant, preventing your blood from clotting and allowing her to feed easily. Your body’s natural reaction to this anticoagulant is to release histamines, which rush to the bite area. These histamines are what cause the itching sensation. Surprisingly, it’s not the mosquito causing the swelling and itching—it’s your immune system’s response to the saliva.

As tempting as it may be, scratching at the bite only makes things worse. The more you scratch, the more histamines your body sends to the area, intensifying the itch.

So, next time you’re bitten by a mosquito, resist the urge to scratch. It’ll save you from an endless cycle of itching.

Home Remedies for Mosquito Bite Itch

1. Oatmeal

One simple solution for pesky mosquito bites might already be in your pantry: oatmeal. Oatmeal contains special compounds that can ease itching and swelling due to its anti-irritant properties.

How to use:

Create an oatmeal paste by mixing equal parts oatmeal and water. Apply this paste to the irritated skin for about 10 minutes, then gently wipe it off.

For multiple bites, consider taking an oatmeal bath. Add 1 cup of oatmeal or ground oats to a warm bath and soak in it for around 20 minutes.

2. Crushed ice

Cold temperatures can help reduce inflammation and numb the skin, providing quick but temporary relief from itching.

How to use:

Wrap a cold, damp cloth or an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the affected area. Alternatively, use a bag of crushed ice, ensuring there’s a cloth barrier between the ice and your skin.

Apply the cold pack for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day to alleviate itching.

3. Heat

Applying heat to a mosquito bite can also provide relief.

How to use:

You can use a specialized tool like BiteAway for targeted heat treatment on the bite area. Alternatively, soak a cloth in warm water and apply it to the bite for up to 10 minutes. Avoid using heat therapy on open wounds.

4. Honey

Honey, known for its sweet taste, is also praised for its healing properties. It’s been used for centuries to treat various ailments due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use:


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