
10 Home remedies for Chapped Dehydrated Lips


Green tea bags – 2

How to use it?
  • Take a glass of water in a vessel and heat by dipping the two bags in it for a few minutes.
  • Now take them out of the water and keep them under your cracked lips for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, now clean your lips with cool water.

6. Honey and Sugar

honey and sugar for chapped lips
Sugar alleviates the burning sensation of dry and chapped lips. Honey and sugar have their moisturizing and nourishing nature to remove the dead skin cells. It is possible to exfoliate your lips with this process by using this frequently for 5 minutes a day you can get healthier and good-looking lips. This can work as a sunscreen protector to your skin.

  1. Two Teaspoons of white sugar
  2. Honey one Teaspoon
How to use it?
  • Take two teaspoons of white sugar into a bowl and add one teaspoon of honey into it.
  • Mix it well.
  • Apply the mix with your hand to your lips.
  • Let it dry for two minutes and now wash your lips with cool water.
  • Try this twice a day for better results.

7. Cucumber Juice

cucumber juice for chapped lips
Cucumber is one of the best hydrating fruit to reduce skin problems. Frequent use of cucumber juice to your overall skin is useful to glow your face naturally with its refreshing properties. Mostly, it is packed with vitamin B, vitamin K, and vitamin C by including other minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium to get glowing skin. Cucumber works as an effective home remedy for any kind of skin-related problem. You can also do the massage using the cucumber slice on your lips. It works as a natural exfoliator for your skin.


Cucumber slices

How to use it?
  • Take a few chopped cucumber slices into a jar and blend it.
  • Apply it with a cotton ball to your lips.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • You can try this 2-3 times throughout the day for better results.

8. Olive Oil

olive oil for chapped lips
Moisturizing your overall face is important even if you have oily and sensitive skin to reduce the sensitivity. To cure chapped lips with its anti-aging benefits it has a natural fragrance to apply directly to your cracked lips. Olive oil contains vitamin A, vitamin E, and nutrients included in it to get soft and hydrated lips. Sugar is used to remove the dead skin cells and hydrate your skin.

  1. Extra-Virgin Olive oil one teaspoon.
  2. Sugar one teaspoon.
How to use it?
  • Take one teaspoon of olive oil and sugar into a bowl.
  • Mix it well.
  • Rub it gently to your lips.
  • Leave it overnight and wash your lips in the morning.

9. Petroleum Jelly

petroleum jelly for chapped lips
Many people will doubt applying petroleum jelly to their lips. But to save spending on other lip care products using petroleum jelly is the best solution to prevent chapped lips in a week. Every lip balm adds petroleum jelly as the main ingredient because it provides great moisture to your skin.  It can also reduce dry skin faster. You can apply it directly to your lips to reduce dryness.

10. Beetroot Juice

beetroot juice for chapped lips
Beetroot juice has its hydrating properties with vitamins and nutrients to get rosy lips. It is one of the best home remedies to exfoliate your skin after applying for your lips. Doing a massage with beetroot juice on your lips will reduce the pigmentation of your lips and make them smoother. It also has a rich source of iron, phosphorous, and proteins which is used to maintain healthier-looking skin.

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  1. Beetroot juice two tablespoons.
  2. Sugar one teaspoon.
How to use it?
  • Take two tablespoons of beetroot juice with one teaspoon of sugar into a bowl.
  • Mix it well.
  • Apply it to your lips.
  • Let it dry for 10 minutes and then wash your lips with cold water.

Up to the very end!
Finally, these are a few beneficial home remedies to try at home for chapped lips. These home remedies may show you the change within a very less period of time. You can try these home remedies very easily without going out during a pandemic situation. Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated, Your daily water intake should be 8-9 glasses in a whole day to reduce chapped lips.
Hope this article is helpful for you to know about the natural home remedies to work on your chapped lips. Try these and let us know your experience by leaving a comment below.
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